Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bored out of my mind

So for the past week or so at work we have been having some major technical issues at work. We were hit with a bad trojan virus which has infected the whole office and field. It has been a waste of time coming to work for the most part because without lotus notes and Sap our two main programs there is not much that can be done. Add that to today where we have no access to anything on the server and you see why I am so friggen bored. I cant check emails other than my yahoo account which now every person at work has due to these problems. Now I dont mind some people having it but field sales people, no way. If they have a way to reach you out of the office they will do it. I know plenty of people here whos weekends have been ruined by these guys. Well needless to say I am bored but everything just came back up yay, I have a weeks worth of work to catch up on

1 comment:

Monica said...

Ha Ha!! I was going to say wait until everything comes back up... that is the worst getting caught up with everything. I hate when our server goes down... that means no INTERNET!!!! That KILLS ME!