Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rolling eyes

Lately my daughters has a new habit. Whenever I make her give me a kiss whether it is goodnight, goodbye or just because she has started rolling her eyes. I will admit she looks so cute doing it and she always has this silly little grin on her face but I am afraid that the days where she is fine with me kissing her in public may be coming to a slow end. I know it embarrasses her a bit when I kiss her in front of her friends at school so i try not to, but didnt expect it to happen this quick. My baby is growing up on me and there is nothing I can do the stop it. I miss the days where she would just sit on my lap or let me hold her just because. Now I have to practically force her to give me a hug and kiss goodbye when she is leaving me for the weekend or a couple days. Its just kind of depressing : (


Monica said...

Alyssa does the eye rolling thing too it drives me nuts. Ahhh soon they will not want to be seen with us at the mall or the movies.

Queen Crump said...

Triniti does that too, and says "I know" all long and drawn out. A habit that needs to be broken early.