Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ice Skating

It appears that my daughter surpasses my natural athletic ability when it comes to ice skating. Yes that is a joke since at one time I was into sports but now dont do anything at all and I am a terrible ice skater, just dont have the balance. Today we went to Mariyah's b-day party at the dublin ice skating rink and amber was a skating animal. It took us awhile our first time around the rink but by the end she was already letting go of the wall and able to balance on her own. The 2nd time we got going a bit faster but were still pretty slow. Then the third we tried to do 4 of us in a row which didnt work out so well. Alyssa was doing some crazy leg skating lol. So we separated back to me and amber, Monica and Alyssa. And the race was on since Alyssa was determined to beat amber every time around. By this time Amber is practically dragging me around the ice. Her balance is much better than mine lol. I finally had to let go of her hand so I could hold the wall. By the last time around I was doing a bit better. Actually able to skate without holding onto the wall. Amber though was really good for her first time. Now she is already asking for me or her dad to take her again. She has already told me that when her dad takes her she is going to make him fall on his butt. She didnt want me to fall while we were skating but I guess its different with him lol. I can already hear her asking to have a b-day party there at some point.

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Baby Needs Glasses

Awhile back I got a notice from the school that they had done some testing and that it was a possibility that Amber would need glasses. Now I didnt notice her having any problems seeing and waited awhile to make an eye appt. Then in the last couple weeks I have noticed amber getting really close to the TV and whenever we were reading would get closer than she needed to to see the pictures and letters. Then I had to wait a bit until I got my tax return. My work does not have vision coverage so I knew this was going to cost me quite a bit. At the begining of the week I started making calls to OD's to try to get an appt. This was almost impossible. Most Ophthalmologists do not see small children and my medical group is Hills Physicians which is not that popular among eye doctors apparently. Finally I find a small practice that would see her. We get there and they ran all the tests then dilated her eyes and did them again. I guess she can force herself to see 20/20 when she needs to but it causes high eye strain. In the end we discovered that her vision is pretty bad. So then we looked at glasses. After trying on a bunch of pairs she finally picked a pair of frames but we wont get them for awhile, the eyepieces were too long so I needed to order a pair that had shorter eyepieces and I want her to have the poly carbonate lenses that are harder to break since she can be a rough child. But she looked so cute with her glasses and does need them. I just wish it wasnt so young but what can I do. I am just glad she didnt end up crosseyed since kids with her vision normally have one or both eyes crossed and that is hard to fix.

My Gosh, It has started already

Ok so yesterday afternoon my cell phone rang. Now most people dont call me during work hours on the cell and it was a strange number so I picked up only to hear a little voice say "Is amber there". When I said no the little girl hung up before I could find out who she was. An hour or so later I picked amber up at Kids First and asked if she had given my number to any of her friends. She said yes that it was Semra and she called her back. I made sure to tell her she couldnt talk too long since it's a cell phone and she would be using my minutes but did she listen, NOOOO lol. She talked to her friend for almost 30 minutes while we were driving home. And from what I could hear they were talking about nothing. Yes for those of you who are wondering I do know that it was her friend. I was the one to call back and speak to her mom and make sure that it was Semra from her kindegarden class. But I cant believe that they are already calling each other and talking on the phone. It shouldnt be starting this early. If it continues I am going to have to either get a house phone or more minutes on my plan since I already use them for my talking, internet and when I use messenger on my phone.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Son of a B.....

So I gotten written up today at work, Now yes normally I would post this on myspace but since my shithead supervisor is friends with some of the people on my page there is a chance he would be shown this. All I can say is that I am truly pissed right now, Probably made worse by the fact that I am about to start my period and the temper comes more quickly for the next week. A couple days ago I sent some laser information to one of our long time customers. This customer already had this information but couldnt remember where he put it and asked for me to resend it. Now keep in mind his laser is about 7 years old and he has had this the entire time but for some reason or another QA/RA has decided that we shouldnt send out that information but doesnt bother to notify anyone in the dept since 3 of us decided it was ok to send. So today as it is time for me to leave I get called in to his office, told not to do it again and then given a final warning, not even a warning for sending something out that a customer already has. I swear I need a new job, If the economy wasnt so bad I would look but until such a time as it getting better I am afraid that I am stuck. With so many people out of work I cant take a chance on something new. Sorry for the vent but I had to get this off my chest. There is a lot more I can say but wont because I want to get my mind off of it. Grrrr what a great way to start the weekend