Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Drama of Kindegarden

I swear little girls are just crazy lol. They are just so picky, tempermental and bossy. Arghhhh since amber has been in preschool her and her little girl friends are always fighting about something and not being each others friends. It normally starts with one of them not wanting to do the same thing as the other and so they now hate each other and are no longer friends, then the next day they get along again until the next time. And it only gets worse and they start taking each other's sides and gang up on each other. Lately amber has been the one ganged up on. She is driving me crazy. I dont remember things that bad when I was that age and I am scared to think of what things will be like when she is in high school


Queen Crump said...

I haven't had that problem yet, hopefully won't soon! Her teacher said the kids in her class get along really well. They all love each other so much, she has to always remind them to keep their hands to themselves. They love giving each other hugs.

Monica said...

I was thinking that is too young to get into fights like that but I was in fights like that in kindergarden. I bit my best friend Maria because she wouldn't play with me. Then I had to sit in the principals office to wait for my dad to pick me up while they had a party in class. I remember being tramatized because I missed the party... that is probably why I remember something from so long ago.