Thursday, March 20, 2008

I had such a hard day

Lol, so this was the response amber gave me when i asked how her day was. It was a hard hard day for her. She had to do her bunny dress and face all by herself since we were home sick yesterday and most of the kids started it then. She had to do lots of hopscotch, had a orange thrown at her, a banana fell on her shoe (lots of food problems here). Oh and we forgot her kite since I wasnt aware that it was kite day at school. How that one slipped by me I dont know. Plus the lunch lady cant ever seem to find amber in the system for her lunch card. I think I am going to need to make something for Amber to show her when she wants lunch. How many times does the kid have to say her name before they will let her get lunch. Man oh man I wish for these kind of hard days. Instead of stressed out crazy days with the possibility of getting an ulcer if I dont slow down.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Drama of Kindegarden

I swear little girls are just crazy lol. They are just so picky, tempermental and bossy. Arghhhh since amber has been in preschool her and her little girl friends are always fighting about something and not being each others friends. It normally starts with one of them not wanting to do the same thing as the other and so they now hate each other and are no longer friends, then the next day they get along again until the next time. And it only gets worse and they start taking each other's sides and gang up on each other. Lately amber has been the one ganged up on. She is driving me crazy. I dont remember things that bad when I was that age and I am scared to think of what things will be like when she is in high school

Friday, March 7, 2008

Disney on ice and the ways they rip you off

Heres another blog for you. Tonight me and amber went to see the Princess Wishes on Ice at the Oracle arena. Now I will admit the show was pretty good and I loved seeing the looks on ambers face and how excited she was when her favorite princesses were on the ice. But it was so darn expensive, I am not sure how people who have more than one or two kids can afford it. To start with the tickets were roughly about $55 but I purchased those awhile back. Today when we got to the arena I had to lpay $15 just to park my car, Its been awhile since I went to anything there and didnt realize how much it had increased. Then since we didnt eat much before we left I decided to get some nachos and a drink. Just those 2 things cost me $10.50. I have never spend more than $5 on a bottle of soda in my life, Then we got a huge bag of cotten candy since amber had been looking forward to it all week and that cost me another $10. I swear its all a rip off, If I had been able to smuggle in bottles of water I would have done that at the very least. The food cost more than the necklace and coloring book she got as souveniers. But she had a great fun time and thats what really matters lol

My little mini-me

So lately I have been noticing how much amber sounds like me at times. Now I know some of this is to be expected since she hears me yapping at her all the time but lately I have been finding it hilarious. Some of the things she says are

Chop Chop-Mostly to my parents when they dont move fast enough to suit her
Sorry Darlin-to the dog when she doesnt want to play with her
Dang it or Holy Shnikes-when she drops something. The 2nd one is something I made up trying to avoid saying something worse.

And the cutest one of all is:

COOL, Thats Awesome: That is just so me, I will admit it.

It is just funny listening to the things that come out of thier mouths. It makes me be extra extra careful of what I say around her