Monday, September 1, 2008

The Tooth Fairy

So last monday, yes a whole week went by before I blogged about it lol but I have been real busy, Anyways amber finally lost her first tooth. It has been loose for a long time and I have discovered that when it comes to tooth pulling I am a total chicken. I just can't do something that might hurt my boo boo. So finally after it came out as soon as she woke up. I was getting her up in the morning and all of a sudden she sat up and her tooth was in her hand. So we put it in a little baggie and put it where it wouldnt get lost. That night while I was getting her ready for bed she started asking questions about the tooth fairy. I told her that it wouldnt come until she was asleep. So finally after a ton of questions she gets into bed, we turn off the lights and all of a sudden she pops up and says "But mom I dont want the tooth fairy to see my undies" Which began the process of finding a pair of shorts to wear under her nightgown. Then back to being settled before she could fall asleep.

Since then she no longer believes that there is a tooth fairy and somehow has figured out already that I am the one who puts the money under her pillow

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