Friday, September 12, 2008


Why are kids so darn mean. This last week Amber has been calling me with a stomuchache from school almost everyday. She would tell me that she didnt feel good and that she had thrown up at school. Of course as soon as she says this the school is on the line saying that we need to pick her up. Yesterday it happened again and I was convinced that she was faking. I didnt want to call her a liar but told her if I found out that she was faking I was going to ground her. My mom picked her up from school for me and I asked her to make sure amber had eaten lunch. Thats when it all came out. 2 third grade boys had stolen her lunch box yesterday so she didnt get to eat. Besides that all week they have been threatening to throw her in the garbage, have been hitting her and stealing stuff from her bag on the way to kids first (afterschool program), swearing at her plus many other things. Everyday towards the end of school she would get herself so worked up that she would make herself sick. Now I couldnt ground her for being scared, she was being traumitized by these boys. Once we got home we went through the last years yearbook and she pointed out the two boys that were giving her a hard time. I emailed the teacher as my first step and got a response this morning that she had no idea and was going to take care of it right away.

This afternoon I picked amber up from kids first and asked how her day was. She said it was the same but she told her teacher when the boys were bothering her and pointed them out so they were sent to the office to be spoken to by the principal and counselor, told to give her back her lunch box and that they need to stay away from her. I dont know if they got detention or anything but am just happy that something was done. I guess we will see what happens in the next couple weeks. I am hoping that they have learned there lesson but know they were following her around after that but the teacher told her to just walk away and come get her if they talk or try to do anything to her. I just dont understand why kids feel the need to pick on those who are younger and smaller than them. I guess its not just her, a couple of her friends are being picked on too but I so far am the only parent who has complained. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Great America Log Ride

I have come to the conclusion that the log ride sucks at Great America. A couple weeks ago we were there with some friends and wanted to go on the ride. As we were waiting in line we saw a bunch of people coming back down and realized that the ride had broken. This caused amber to have a little hissy fit since she really wanted to ride and was finally tall enough. Finally she calmed down and we did some other rides. Well we went again today and it was pretty warm so we decided to go on it before going to the water park area. After waiting for awhile we finally get on with 2 other people and get going. BUT as we got through the floating part and were about to go up the incline the guy at that part of the ride starts yelling for us to hold on tight. All of a sudden we slammed into the barricade and just stopped. Apparently somehow the ride ran out of water and we were stuck. So we sat like that for about 10 minutes before being told anything. Then the guy tells us to just sit there that we are not allowed to get out. This lasts for another 30 minutes or so. Finally as we are telling him that we are getting out when the managers finally get over there to help us. After us having to sign a paper saying we got off alright we were finally free to leave only to discover our backpack was still at the front of the line so we had to walk around to get it before doing anything else. Other than that we had a great time although we ended up sunburn, I guess my sunblock expired or something since we made sure to put a lot on

The Tooth Fairy

So last monday, yes a whole week went by before I blogged about it lol but I have been real busy, Anyways amber finally lost her first tooth. It has been loose for a long time and I have discovered that when it comes to tooth pulling I am a total chicken. I just can't do something that might hurt my boo boo. So finally after it came out as soon as she woke up. I was getting her up in the morning and all of a sudden she sat up and her tooth was in her hand. So we put it in a little baggie and put it where it wouldnt get lost. That night while I was getting her ready for bed she started asking questions about the tooth fairy. I told her that it wouldnt come until she was asleep. So finally after a ton of questions she gets into bed, we turn off the lights and all of a sudden she pops up and says "But mom I dont want the tooth fairy to see my undies" Which began the process of finding a pair of shorts to wear under her nightgown. Then back to being settled before she could fall asleep.

Since then she no longer believes that there is a tooth fairy and somehow has figured out already that I am the one who puts the money under her pillow