Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mom I am addicted

Camp rock has become one of Amber's 3 addictions lol. Earlier today she was telling me about her addictions. 1) Camp Rock - We have watched this movie almost every day since it first showed on Disney Channel (the joys of tivo) 2) Applejuice - She said thats all she wants to drink forever and ever and gets mad if I make her drink something else or we run out 3) Donuts - I have to buy the miniature donuts for her camp snack every day lol, we alternate between the chocolate and powdered sugar ones. According to her she loves them all to much and has to have them in thier own ways of course every single day, multiple times if I let her. Plus besides watching camp rock she now sings and dances along with most of the songs especially the final jam. Monica I know you know what I am talking about since your kids are as addicted as mine.